Service Agreement for Plan Management Services


This Service Agreement is between Onboard Supports Pty Ltd and the Client (who is a NDIS participant and is aged 18 or above) or their Authorised Representative/Nominee who is a person who is recognised as the Participant's Authorised Representative or Plan Nominee by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). 

Onboard Supports can be contacted at: or  1300 359 884

This Service Agreement will be in effect from the date the Client or Authorised Representative/Nominee signs this Service Agreement, or accepts the Service Agreement online, and will continue until either party terminates this agreement in accordance with the provision of either Clause 8 of the Terms and Conditions described. Please ensure you read all the pages of this Service Agreement and complete all relevant details including the acceptance of the Service Agreement below.

NDIS Participant Details (The Client)

Authorised Representative/Nominee

An Authorised Representative or Nominee is an immediate parent/guardian, a person appointed by the NDIA as a Plan Nominee or a Third-Party legally appointed Guardian.

Support Coordinator or Recovery Coach 

If appointed, I consent to Onboard Supports sharing READ ONLY access to my Onboard account, with the Support Coordinator/ Recovery Coach business listed below, for the purposes of providing plan management services under this Service Agreement:

Reimbursement Details

If you pay for things upfront, we will need your bank details so we can reimburse you. These details are confidential and never provided to anyone else. If you prefer, you can provide them later if and when required.


 1. Schedule of Supports

Provided the funds are available for Onboard Supports to access on the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) portal relevant to the Client, Onboard Supports agrees to provide supports relating to the attached Schedule of Supports.

The prices set out in the Schedule of Supports are GST inclusive (if applicable) and include the fees for providing the stated supports. These fees are automatically updated from time to time in line with changes to the NDIA Price Limits. 

2. Client Responsibilities 

  • Treat Onboard Supports staff with courtesy and respect.

  • Advise  Onboard Supports of preferred contact methods.

  • Ensure NDIS funds are used to assist you to achieve your NDIS Plan goals and are spent in accordance with your NDIS Plan.

  • Monitor budget information made available by Onboard Supports to reduce the risk of overspending.

  • Take due steps to provide information as requested by Onboard Supports in accordance with the provisions of this Service Agreement in a timely manner.

  • Ensure that all claims for reimbursements include evidence of payment having been made to the extent requested by Onboard Supports and in accordance with NDIA or Australian Tax Office (ATO) requirements.

  • Acknowledge there is no contractual or inferred relationship between Onboard Supports and the chosen service provider of the Client/Authorised Representative.

  • Not engage in conduct or knowingly provide misleading information which may reasonably be expected to:

    • Expose Onboard Supports to reputational, regulatory, or financial risk.

    • Present a work, health, and safety risk to any Onboard Supports staff (including contractors). This extends to and includes any verbal or written abuse.

    • Be contrary to NDIA rule, guidelines, or relevant policies. Be contrary to, or cause Onboard Supports to potentially breach, the NDIS Act or any other law or regulation; including conditions which relate to the registration requirements of  Onboard Supports.

    • Be intended to otherwise obtain funds to which the person is not entitled within the meaning of section 182 of the NDIS Act.

3. Onboard Supports Responsibilities

  • Treat the Client/Authorised Representative with courtesy and respect.

  • Use the Client/Authorised Representative’s preferred method of communication wherever practicable.

  • Assist and support the Client/Authorised Representative to manage the client's NDIS funding NDIS funding in accordance with their NDIS Plan, the requirements of the NDIA or the ATO, as requested.

  • Make budget information available by:

    • Tracking expenditure against client budget by making relevant budgetary information available online via the Client Portal.

    • Making monthly statements available to the Client/Authorised Representative.

  • Refer the Service Provider enquiries to the Client/Authorised Representative in circumstances when permission to liaise with the Service Provider has been withheld by the Client/Authorised Representative. 

  • Have mechanisms in place to manage and mitigate potential conflicts of interest.

  • Reserve the right to raise any concerning conduct or behaviours with the Client/Authorised Representative and seek a satisfactory solution.

4. Onboard Supports Fees

Onboard Supports will directly claim set-up, monthly fees from the NDIA for the provision of Plan Management as agreed in Schedule of Supports set out in the Annexure to this Service Agreement. 

5. Service Provider Claims

Onboard Supports will process the invoices submitted on behalf of the Client/Authorised Representative by the Client’s Service Providers to the NDIA portal, provided such invoices meet NDIA and ATO requirements and the services/supports relate to services or purchases made in accordance with the participant’s plan. 

6. Changes to the Plan

The Client/Authorised Representative agrees to immediately notify Onboard Supports and provide relevant plan details in writing if the Client’s NDIS Plan is varied, extended, reassessed, or replaced, or the Client ceases to be a participant in the NDIS. 

7 . Liability

The Client/Authorised Representative agrees that Onboard Supports provides plan management services or associated individual capacity building services only, and will not hold Onboard Supports responsible for any loss or damage the Client/Authorised Representative suffers because of or in connection with the conduct of any other Third-Party (including any NDIS registered or unregistered provider); or actions taken by the NDIA against the Client/Authorised Representative in circumstances in which Onboard Supports has followed the directions; or reasonably inferred directions of the Client Authorised Representative.

  • The Client/Authorised Representative agrees that Onboard Supports is not liable for any loss (including indirect, consequential, incidental, or special damages) the Client / Authorised Representative may suffer from a breach of this Agreement unless that breach involves fraud or willful default of Onboard Supports.

  • In the event that the NDIA reclaims monies from Onboard Supports in relation to any claims made (including those using the "Can I Buy It Checklist") the Client/Authorised Representative agrees to repay those monies within 30 days.

  • Onboard Supports accept no liability for any overspending of plan funding.

  • Onboard Supports aggregate liability under or in connection with this Service Agreement (whether in contract, tort including negligence, equity, for breach of statutory duty, or otherwise) will not exceed the amount of fees paid to Onboard Supports for the provision of supports under this agreement in the previous 12 months. 

8. Ending this Service Agreement

Either Party may end this Service Agreement at any time by giving the other party at least 1 days notice in writing. If a Party materially breaches this Service Agreement, the other party may terminate this agreement immediately by notice in writing. 

9. Feedback, complaints, and disputes

If the Client/Authorised Representative wishes to provide feedback, or is not satisfied with the provision of support and wishes to make a complaint, the Client/Authorised Representative should provide details via the website on the Contact us page or by utilising the webform. They can also email at, telephone 1300 359 884 or by post Unit 2/11 Collingwood Street, Osborne Park, WA 6017. Complaints can be made anonymously if preferred.  Nothing in this agreement prevents a Client/Authorised Representative from making a complaint directly to a Third-Party (e.g. NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission). The  NDIS Quality & Safeguards Comission can be contacted on 1800 035 544 or via a complaint form on their website at

Further information is available at

10. Privacy

Onboard Supports is respondent to the Privacy Act, the Australian Privacy Principles and the NDIS Act. Onboard Supports will only collect information required for the purposes of the operation of this Service Agreement and our responsibilities as a Plan Manager.

A copy of the Onboard Supports Privacy policy is available on request which sets out:

  • My right to access personal information;

  • My right to withdraw my consent at any time; and

  • What personal information will be collected and disclosed and why.

11. Goods and services tax (GST) 

For the purposes of GST legislation, the Parties confirm that: 

  • A supply of supports under this Service Agreement is a supply of one or more of the Reasonable and Necessary supports specified in the statement included, under subsection 33 (2) of the NDIS Act, in the Client’s NDIS plan currently in effect under section 37 of the NDIS Act.

  • Onboard Supports will pay GST as specified in the NDIS Act.

1 2. Authorisation Of This Service Agreement

This Service Agreement can only be entered into by Onboard Supports and either the client (who is an NDIS Participant) or the Authorised Representative of the Client, as recognised by the NDIA.

NOTE: if the person authorising this Agreement is not the client or is not the same person(s) listed by the NDIA as a Plan Nominee or other appointed guardian, Onboard Supports may decline to process a claim submitter for processing to the NDIA

Consent To Share

O nboard Supports collects and shares information with the intention of providing you with appropriate, individualised, plan management services based on your goals and the plan managed funding in your plan.

Onboard Supports is comitted to maintaining your information in line with the Privacy Act.

This may include accessing, releasing, or disclosing information about you to:

(Please click the appropriate boxes below)

13. Agreement & Consent signatures

The parties understand and agree to the terms and conditions of this Service Agreement.

I authorise Onboard Supports to collect and share personal information about me with the people and agencies mentioned above.

This consent remains current from the date entered below and may cover all ongoing service provions by Onboard Supports unless revoked in writing by the signatory of this form.

Draw signature|Type signatureClear

ANNEXURE – Schedule of Supports

The ‘description of supports' and ‘price limit ‘contained in the following Schedule of Supports will be varied from time to time in line with changes to the NDIS Pricing Arrangement and Price Limits. The below fees and costs are included in your NDIS Plan for Plan management under Capacity Building Supports- Improved Life Choices (CB Choice & Control).

Support Item

Description of Support

Price limit

Plan Management - Financial Administration


Plan Management Monthly Fee.

A monthly fee for the ongoing maintenance of the financial management arrangements for managing of funding of supports

*Monthly fee may differ depending on what is included in your plan and/or your location. This amount can be varied at any time by the NDIA and will be reflected in the Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits.

$104.45* per month


$146.23* per month

Very Remote

$156.67* per month

Plan Management and Financial Capacity Building - Set Up  Costs


Plan Management Set-up Fee.

A set-up fee for setting up of the financial management arrangements for managing of f funding of supports, as set in the plan, for the duration of the plan as specified by the NDIA.

*Set-up fee may differ depending on what is included in your plan and/or your location. This amount can be varied at any time by the NDIA and will be reflected in the Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits.

$232.35 set-up cost*



Very Remote
